One Idea at a Time

Posts Tagged ‘Culture

Before, I share a story about my first date with mahabarata tale around twenty years ago. That time, I thought that Mahabarata is an epic originated from Indonesia because in my grandfather era, the mahabarata story is a favorite show for Javanese society. They played part of mahabarata episode in many ways, as a puppets show (wayang golek and wayang kulit) and also as a drama played by persons (wayang orang and kethoprak).


I remember, when I was a kid, there was no television in my hometown. Only the chief of village had a television. Thus every afternoon, many kids gathered at his house to see television. It was black and white television with only one channel. Still it was very interesting show available at that time. I thought that situation can explain why wayang golek, wayang kulit and wayang orang were the favorite shows in the past time. Those were the only entertainment available for the society.


Wayang golek was a wooded puppets show to tell the story of mahabarata episode. Interested to know more about wayang golek. I just find a great website about wayang golek. If we visit www.wayanggolek,net, we will find many names of mahabarata characters. Wikipedia also have explanation about wayang golek in Indonesian language or in English 


Wayang kulit  is a puppet show. The puppet is made from leather. It was two dimensional puppets. The show usually plays mahabarata episodes. The show usually will be held in the open area, like field or open theatre, and the usual show time is the whole night. Usually they will be started around nine PM and will be finished the next morning, may be two or three AM.


When I was a teenager, I really do not know that actually the mahabarata story that was played in every village through wayang orang or wayang kulit have came from India! Yes, there is a little deviation from the original story, but still all the characters are same. 

 I just realize how lucky I was to have a teacher like him. He is just a usual guy with many limitations, but he inspired me a lot. Here is one story about how he inspires me.


At that time, around 20 years ago, he taught Indonesian language, Javanese language and drawing lesson. He is talented artist actually. He drew very quickly and his drawing was always beautiful.


I always longed for his lesson, not because he was handsome. He was not handsome at all –at least for me. Every time he taught us, he would explain every lesson quickly. His lesson would always finish before the bell rung. Then, time for show! He would use the spare time to tell a story, mahabarata. (Mahabarata was a Sanskrit epic of ancient India, but the epic is widespread to Indonesian territory since the old days. I do not know exactly, since when). Some time, only fifteen minutes left. Another time, only ten minutes left. He was a good story teller. He jumped. He changed his tone and his voice to imitate every character of mahabarata player. The class was quiet when the part of the story was a sad story. The class was full with laugh when it was a funny story. Our feeling and our sense would flow with the story.


Mahabarata story is very long story, thus the little remaining time (ten minutes or fifteen minutes) was not enough. That was why the story became a long serial story. We had to wait for his lesson to know the next part of the story. He was my matchmaker. He made me learn what mahabarata was as one part of Javanese cultures.

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